$45.00 AUD

September Women's Health Week: Release with Julie-Anne Kelly

Tuesday 3rd September 7pm AEST

In this visual journey, Julie-Anne will guide you through a powerful energetic release process that will allow you to let go of old hurts, relationships, stories and people from the past that you have been hanging on to energetically, maybe without even realising.

It will enable you to reclaim your energy for your own life, vibrancy and peace, helping you to let go of the opinions and agendas of others that can disconnect you from living your own truth, robbing you of your vital life force and happiness.
As we move through our days and years we pick up energetic connections to other people and we can hold onto these through our body reinforcing them through our memories and stories. If these memories; and connections are heavy and dense it can leave us feeling depleted and low in energy without really knowing why.

This journey is a beautiful opportunity for you to let go of that heavy energy, coming back home to full presence with yourself and feeling centred – consider it an energetic spring clean!

It will also enable you to consciously choose what people, energy and connections you want
to surround yourself with moving forward.

This release process is for you if:

  • You know you hold grudges or hurts from the past
  • You have relationships in your life you would like to change
  • You are struggling with digestive issues or constipation
  • You would like to renew; and improve your connection to the people you love .
  • You feel emotionally exhausted
  • You feel tired a lot of the time no matter what you do.
  • You feel easily affected by other people's energy and conversation.
  • You would like to feel lighter and more connected to yourself.
  • You would like to forgive yourself or someone else from any time in your life.

No experience is required for this session we just ask that you bring an open mind and a willingness to be guided. It is recommended to be in a private and quiet space, with water, a journal and a blanket handy if needed.


Julie-Anne Kelly

Kinesiologist, Hypnotherapist & Emotional Coach

A kinesiologist and emotional coach, passionate about leading my clients into deep processes of healing, growth, transformation and expansion.

I spent the first part of my career in the spa and wellness industry, where I developed a deep understanding and intuition for the body. However I grew dissatisfied with the surface level answers that I had to offer people with skin issues, body tension or emotional issues (people would often open up to me or get emotional during treatments).

So when I discovered kinesiology as a client about 14 years ago I fell in love with it straight away. I was suffering from a severe case of dermatitis on my eyelids (to the point they would bleed) that I could not get rid of – I had tried everything from alternative to mainstream medical options and nothing was making a difference. I saw a kinesiologist and it was gone in 9 days, for good. 

I use my expertise across multiple frameworks to help create deep energetic transformation that creates ripple effects into my clients lives.


Included in the membership or $45 for non-members (Replay available for 30 days afterwards)