this journey is uniquely designed to help us understand the why behind your symptoms
💥 Do you have depression because you hate your job? OR
Do you hate your job because your fatigued and tired because your thyroid isn't being nourished and your metabolic rate has slowed, leading to 'heavier' thoughts.
💥 Do you have irregular cycles because of PCOS? OR
Is your PCOS occurring in conjunction with an under functioning thyroid which is underpinned by a lack of care of your 4 Female Fundamentals.
💥 Do you always feel cold because you're a cold fish? OR
Or is your cellular metabolism slow, making it harder for your body to produce energy and internal heat as a by-product
💥 Do you need to take thyroxine? OR
Is your thyroid gland functioning well and your issue is down stream in your adrenals, liver, nutrient deficiencies, stress, lack of food and more...
💥 Is your hair falling out because of your shampoo? OR
is it linked to why you always feeling cold, have poor digestion, depression and brain fog.
💥 Are your thyroid anti-bodies high because of previous infection? OR
Do you have other factors like heavy metals or a tendency to put others in your life first, always.
Your symptoms are attempts from the body trying to tell you what it needs, not markers that you're broken. This monthly journey is the perfect combination of group support, 1:1 personalised deep dives with Dr Anthea, review of and make sense of your health history, knowledge for your mind and connection to your body and what it's been trying to tell you.
what's included:
✔ 1 x Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. (Valued at $333)
✔ 1 x group call on the first Tuesday of the month
✔ 1x Deep dive health review appointment with Dr Anthea Todd (The last Wednesday and Thursday of the month) -Utilising a medical, functional and energetic
✔ 1 year subscription to Female Fundamentals membership. Includes meal plans, energetic support (including hypnosis, PARTS work, mediations for symptoms), monthly masterclasses with Dr Anthea and expert guests and more. ($440)
✔ Pre-recorded content to help you understand what your thyroid and possible associated conditions are telling you.
✔ Ongoing year long support in the female fundamentals membership
You will receive not only the information of what you may be experiencing, but it will highlight WHY you're experiencing your symptoms and how to support your body on a functional level.