
Hi there! I’m Dr. Anthea Todd, and I’m so glad you’re here.

My journey into the world of health began at a young age. Growing up in a family of healthcare practitioners, I was raised with the belief that our bodies are always communicating with us. Whether it was watching my parents as chiropractors, dinner conversations with our medical family friends, mixing herbs with my naturopathic grandma or playing “guess the diagnosis” with my siblings, I quickly learned that symptoms weren’t something to be feared—they were signals our bodies were sending, and they needed to be understood.

But my relationship with health took a more personal turn when, at 13 years old, I was diagnosed with a heart defect after collapsing during a surf lifesaving event, not long after that I almost broke my neck on the same beach, resulting in a air ambulance ride to Melbourne Childrens Hospital. Both of these experiences solidified by deep appreciation for both medicine and the bodies own amazing resilience. These experiences paved the way for me to always be interested in all types of healthcare, with the love and appreciation of the human body at the centre, holding the belief that healthcare isn’t about one approach being superior to another—it’s about finding the right combination for each unique individual. Medical functional and or energetic, they all have a place. The real magic happens when we use our bodies, not our biases, to guide us in knowing what type of care we need and when.

As a chiropractor, I saw firsthand how many women were struggling with a wide range of symptoms—period pain, headaches, irregular periods, relentless fatigue, insomnia, hair loss, stubborn weight gain, you name it—and were being told that everything was "normal" because their test results came back fine. But I knew they didn’t feel fine. I knew something was being missed. This drove me to pursue a dual master’s degree in Women’s Health Medicine and Reproductive Medicine, determined to understand more and see if I was missing something.

Still, I knew there were more pieces of the puzzle, so I furthered my studies in functional medicine and energetic practices. These additional disciplines helped me fill the gaps and develop a more complete understanding of the human body.

Through all of my learnings- both in textbooks and personal lived experience, It was clear that the healthcare industry whilst helpful is confusing when you don't fit into a 'box'. Fend for yourself, get a second opinion, scroll instagram like it's your full time job to try and find your answer. It becomes overwhelming and can result in a lot of time and energy wasted, on top of reinforcing that your body is the problem, when really it's the solution. So I came up with The Female Fundamentals Framework™—a revolutionary approach that empowers women to truly understand their bodies, listen to the signals they’re sending, and make healthcare decisions based on their body’s needs rather than societal biases. This framework brings together different health modalities—whether it’s traditional medicine, functional health, or energetic work—so women can feel amazing and thrive.



I wish I could find someone or something that would give me an unbiased approach to understanding my body and symptoms.


My qualifications.

Originally trained in Chiropractic with a double bachelors of healths science and applied health science, I also hold double master’s degrees in Women’s Health Medicine and Reproductive Medicine, and I’ve completed advanced studies in functional medicine- including cardiometabolic health, bioenergetics, immunology, gastroinestinal function, breathwork facilitation, and neuroemotional technique. I’ve spoken around the world at conferences, shared insights on podcasts, and trained healthcare practitioners in my Female Fundamentals approach to healthcare for women. Through my books, programs, and speaking engagements, I’m driven by one mission: to make living in a womans body feel amazing. No longer like you're running around without answers or fearful of your bodies resilience. It's about knowing that your body has the had the answers all along, and it's designed to feel amazing!

Welcome xo

What I know from my own experience and witnessing the experience of my patients, friends and family is...

That when a woman is given the support, knowledge and tools to understand what her body needs, she can learn to trust herself. With that, there is very little that can hold her back.

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