
A Women's health practitioner and Chiropractor, with a little bit of spice. 

I'm passionate about creating better healthcare options for women by leading education for females and practitioners in an integrative approach to healthcare.

After graduating and becoming a Chiropractor in 2017, I began working with people of all different ages, genders, shapes and sizes. From newborn babies to people in their late 90’s.

I found it interesting how many of the female patients I had would be experiencing a multitude of issues and would often report that they had been assessed through mainstream structures and told that their tests were ‘normal’ and therefore there was nothing wrong with them. This would often lead them to feel like their symptoms were just ‘in their head’. Interestingly I witnessed this on a much larger scale when comparing females to male patients.

I decided I didn't want to perpetuate the issue by my lack of knowledge so I decided to go on to study a double Masters in Womens's Health Medicine and Reproductive Medicine. These degrees helped me to understand not only the importance of medicine, but why 'the space between' that women continue to get lost in, still exists.

I use my expertise and knowledge in both the natural and medical side of health to bring an integrative approach to healthcare for women.

There is a large gap in healthcare that is often not spoken about because up until recently it hasn't been acknowledged as legitimate. It's a gap that women unfortunately keep falling through...

You're experiencing symptoms, you see your doctor, they send you off for testing, your tests thankfully return normal, you have nothing wrong with you, BUT... You still feel like something isn't right. 

You have two options:  

Stay stuck and accept that this state of perpetual 'OK'ness' is normal. 


Trust yourself, trust that how you're feeling isn't normal (even though it's common) and keep trying to find answers.

The second option can be tricky, and cost you a lot of time and money, because the system isn't currently set up for you... until now. 

Through Female Fundamentals I have created training and education for Allied Health Practitioners to know how to help these women (because believe it or not, we're actually not taught how to do this very well) AND I help women through 1:1 appointments and creation of programs/tools to help you give your body what it needs to move out of that gap towards health instead of disease. 


**I have completed a practitioner training in breath work facilitation and am completing a Functional Medicine degree. This helps me give a medical, functional and energetic view of healthcare. **

What I know from my own experience and witnessing the experience of my patients, friends and family is...

That when a woman is given the support, knowledge and tools to understand what her body needs, she can learn to trust herself. With that, there is very little that can hold her back.

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